Thursday, July 23, 2009

4 Simple Digital Photography Tips

If you have much experience with digital photography, I think you don't need to read this. And if you just started out with digital photography, I understand how you feel when comes to taking pictures that you want. You probably have imagined how it should be but the end product is totally disappointing.

Hang in there. Actually, there are a lot of things that you can do to improve your pictures. You just need to try different thing to see which feel the best and below are 4 tips that you can experiment on to get a better picture.

1. It is important that you don't overpopulate your pictures. Many digital photography newbie like to put a lot of things in their pictures. You are only going to confuse your viewers when you do that.
So, be clear of your theme and what you are trying to communicate in your pictures.

2. Speaking of being clear with your theme, it is good that you can practice blurring your background when you are taking pictures. It is a common technique to remove disturbing information from the background.

You might not be able to master this immediately. So, give yourself more time to practice and read more about digital photography whenever you can.

3. When you are taking picture of people, try to take as much candid shot as possible.

You want to capture the light side of your subject especially this person is always serious and hardly smile.

Still, it is not to say that you can't take picture of serious people. President Obama does look good when he is serious while giving speech. But don't you feel he is more approachable when he is smiling and waving to the public?

4. The last tip for you to take home is about lighting. When you are in digital photography, it is best that you can take picture with proper exposure of lighting. So, it doesn't matter whether it is sunlight or artificial light in the studio. As long as your subjects are properly lit, then you are fine.

However, this doesn't apply to the flash that pops from your camera. This is because the intensity of the sudden lighting can make your subjects to look wash out if you can't control the flash properly.

So, that is all for today. Just digest what you have read and practice with digital photography.
Take more happy pictures,

Michael Wong.

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